
Here’s a couple of photographs that so far as I know I haven’t posted anywhere. The first: Mt Whitney, at 14,505 feet the tallest peak in the lower 48. Just a touch of snow at the time – early December 2012.

I like it. But I had not gone into the Alabama Hills that morning to shoot Whitney. I was after a shot of another icon, the Möbius Arch, the signature natural landmark in the Hills.

I was out early and was lucky enough to run into two other photogs who were skilled and who had been there before. So I followed their moves. That’s how I got not only my best Arch shot but in process managed an image of an icon within an icon. The peak to the left which appears to be higher – and isn’t- is Lone Pine Peak.



It’s my shot but I’d never have gotten it without help from Bernie and Jim. Thanks guys!


Mobius Arch

I first heard of this Arch in the Alabama Hills from a photog I ran into at Zabriskie Point one morning. I’ve spent a couple of days scouting the location and tomorrow hope to get situated just before sunrise and see how well my planning works out. This afternoon just as the sun was setting over the edge of Eastern Sierra I snapped a few shots of the Arch and these ones in silhouette worked rather well. IMHO



Whitney Portal

Whitney Portal

Sunset over Lone Pine, CA and Lake Owens as seen from the Whitney Portal